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Hydraulic Hose and Fittings
Hydraulic Hose and Fittings
Hydraulic hose
Hose plays an important role in hydraulic systems, providing the flexible link that's needed to convey high pressure fluid from the pump to the cylinder.
Hydraulic hose ends
Hydraulic hose ends come in a wide range of connection types and sizes. Many designs of hydraulic hose ends are available to accommodate different working pressures.
Hydraulic quick-couplings
Hydraulic quick-couplings are available in a variety of configurations designed for high pressure heavy duty applications.
Hose crimpers and accessories
A leaking hose shuts an operation down. Easy-to-use crimping machines enable custom hose assemblies to be quickly fabricated, even out in the field. Choose from portable or workbench models.
Hydraulic system adapters
Hydraulic adapters are used to connect hydraulic hose assemblies to components such as pumps, cylinders, valves and tubes. Adapters can also bridge different connection types or allow for proper alignment.
Hydraulic hose accessories
Protective wrap and fire sleeves are the proven way to protect hose, wire and cable against environmental factors which contribute to premature failure. Extend hose life with a protective cover.
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